Registration Policies
Registration policies are available here.
Information in English for all stakeholders regarding .rio, the top-level domain operated by Empresa Municipal de Informática SA - IPLANRIO.
Para informações em Português, clique aqui.
Only ICANN-Accredited Registrars can ask our IANA contact for credentials to our restricted area.
Resellers might contract one of the reseller-oriented registrars of this list.We take abuse issues very seriously, and consider many activities as abuse. Our registration policies bring further detail on channels to address possible incidents.
Registration Data Directory Services (RDDS) for .rio domains are avaible through RDAP. ICANN has an RDAP client, alongside educational and policy materials, available here.
We comply with ICANN requirements on zone file access through CZDS. We reserve right to terminate any allowed access if misuse is detected, even ones with no expiration date.
For information on how DNS Security (DNSSEC) is handled within .rio, please see our DPS.
More information on the city of Rio de Janeiro available here.